Welcome to The Foundry Blog....

Opening its doors back in 1991, The Foundry has been at the heart of the Sheffield and UK climbing scenes ever since. Almost two decades on, the centre continues to provide a world class environment for climbers, whether you're new to the sport or about to tick your first Font 8b!

The blog will keep you up to date with the activity and achievements that are going on in and around The Foundry.

Hope to see you soon! - Neil Bentley (Centre Manager)

Thursday, 21 May 2009

BMC update on access - 21/5/09

Information taken from the BMC Peak Access Team (21/5/09).
Please be aware tha
t things do change very quickly at this time of year so always be guided by notices on site, which will inevitably be more up to date.

Stanage, Burbage and Bamford Area - The only current restrictions are at Anniversary Arete and at the Popular End between Castle Butress and Physiology.

Ravensdale - Medusa and immediatly adjacent routes closed

Hen Cloud - Black Wall / Delstree area closed, low key signage is on site.

Moscar Estate - This covers Derwent Edge, Bamford Edge and the northern part of Stanage Edge. Public Rights of Way and concessionary paths above Stanage and along Derwent Edge are not affected. Access to permit climbing on Stanage Edge between Secret Stanage and Stanage End has been negotiated
Monday 8 June to Friday 12 June (inclusive) - closed
Monday 15 June to Wednesday 17 June (inclusive) - closed
Closures notified under s22 on the CRoW Act (2000)
This is a grouse moor and there is an all year restriction in force on dogs at all times.

The volunteers working for the Peak Access Team put a great deal of time and effort into securing access. Please do not jepodise this by ignoring restrictions, especially as there is no sortage of unaffected local climbing.